Wake up with a smile


Dr. Bernstein is a Clinical Instructor in I.V. Sedation and he is a California Dental Board Evaluator in Conscious Sedation, so you can be confident that you are safe and in good hands.


Dental fear, often referred to as dental phobia, is a prevalent concern affecting a significant portion of the population. This anxiety can manifest in various ways:

  • Fear of needles or injections: The use of traditional anesthesia can cause apprehension for some individuals.

  • Aversion to dental sounds and environment: The clinical setting, including equipment sounds and specific smells, can trigger anxiety.

  • Incomplete pain control: For some patients, traditional methods might not provide sufficient pain relief, leading to anxiety.

  • Underlying medical conditions: Certain medical issues may necessitate a more controlled state for safe dental treatment.

At All New Smiles Dentistry, we understand these anxieties and offer a comprehensive range of sedation dentistry options to ensure a comfortable and relaxed dental experience for every patient.

Tailored Solutions for Your Needs:

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): Provides a mild sense of relaxation and reduces anxiety during treatment.

  • Oral Sedation: Involves taking a medication beforehand to induce a calm and drowsy state.

  • IV Sedation: Offers a moderate level of sedation administered through an intravenous line.

  • General Anesthesia: In collaboration with anesthesiologists, we provide complete unconsciousness for patients requiring it.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry:

  • Reduced Anxiety and Fear: Sedation effectively alleviates apprehension and anxieties associated with dental procedures.

  • Enhanced Comfort: Patients experience a calmer and more relaxed state throughout the treatment.

  • Improved Pain Management: Sedation dentistry helps manage discomfort during procedures, promoting a positive dental experience.

Schedule a Consultation Today:

Don't let dental anxiety prevent you from achieving optimal oral health. Contact All New Smiles Dentistry to discuss how sedation dentistry can help you receive the dental care you need in a comfortable and stress-free environment.

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